For most of us who were raised in a Christian home or have at least grown up with the concept or idea of a God, have understood that this God is an almighty and all powerful God. This is true :) God is an almighty and all powerful God. So then the question rings out to most of us "Why does an almighty God let bad things happen to good people?" God must not really love us right? Why would God let something terrible like rape happen to a completely innocent child???
Well first we must realize that, He also is a loving God. All over the whole Bible God's love is spilled out! God is love! A God who created us and loves us (His kids) so much that, He gave us a free-will to do what ever we want. With this free-will we can choose to love God back, or ignore him. He gave us this free-will so that we would choose to love him back and not have a forced love.
Now let us take a few steps back and look at this as a spectrum with the loving God on one side, and the devil on the other. The Bible says that the devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy. …Wow, so I guess the devil hates us? Yes… The devil hates us because God loves us and we are His children. However we are born into a world of the devil and because of this we are destined to screw up. Now, the devil can't make you sin, but he certainly can tempt you and he will. Even though you may not have killed anyone or robbed a bank; in some way, at some time you've sinned and that's enough to separate us from God. -and this is where Jesus' salvation comes into the picture! But I could save that for another post.
Anyway to wrap things up; God never wants anything bad to happen to any of us! God always has the power and is in control but he will not control us. When anything bad does happen, it's a result of sin which is because of us. In fact, it hurts God when he has to watch us suffer.
Hopefully I did a somewhat decent job explaining this.
I remember when I first came to realize this, it blew my mind.
God really does love us soooo much!!!
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