Friday, April 8, 2011

Taking the leap

 So amongst the busyness of the these last few months of school I've decided to step up my game in my personal hygiene.
There has been something that I've been wanting to try out and understand since I was a little kid.
What am I talking about?

The Art of Wetshaving

In the movies you always see those manly men shaving their faces with bowie knives or straight edged razors and you can't help but think...Wow...What a cowboy!!
So after a lot of research on the topic of wetshaving I decided to takek the plunge. I ordered myself a lower priced Straight-Edged razor and Musgo Real hotlather.

Here's how it went:
It was a lot of fun but as you can see I need a little practice:

 Hopefully this just callouses my face and makes me more of a cöwboy!
I suggest you try it out!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where is all the adventure???

Whew! It's been ages since I last blogged.
I haven't been anywhere far from my computer, in fact I think that I've just been lazy..HaHa Yep, probably just that. However I have been keeping busy. School work and studying for my AG Licensing exam have consuming a lot of my free time. But I think that it's time to start blogging again, my brain is always thinking so why don't I share my thoughts.

To be quite frank I've noticed that my mild case of laziness has spilled into another part of my life, and that is my spiritual walk with Christ. Now before you go thinking that I'm talking about 'backsliding' that is not the case.
Maybe what I'm trying to say is that I've been letting my Spiritual Life get a little dull. (What do you mean Ben??) Well I'm under the impression that living a hot-passion Christian life should be adventurous! It should be full of risks and constantly getting out of the ¨Comfort-Zone¨.
I think that over the past month I've been maybe just a little too comfortable. I've taken maybe a few risks in stepping out in faith this past month, but I haven't exactly been looking for opportunities.

You might be thinking, ¨Well Ben, there is nothing wrong with living a life of low risk as long as you're still serving God...¨
If you've ever read the book of Acts or the New Testament for that matter then you should know that living a Christian life is full of serious risk and adventure! But doesn't that sound like more fun!!

I'm challenging myself self to step up my game and live more adventurous!
I'm also challenging you to live every minute of your life like it's the last!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today is an amazingly productive day, despite all the sitting around. I guess that I've always thought in order to be productive you must be moving or bouncing around.
However while I've spent half of this day sitting around drinking coffee, I've accomplished a ton of reading, research-finished a few pages of my Unreached Peoples Project, and knocked out two book reports. Also I've had some amazing devotion time with my best friend; Jesus!

Now, I just wish it was nice enough outside for a good bike ride, I think that I'm ready for some fresh air!
Maybe I'll go for a good run anyway!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh Michigan.

 Well here I am at my parents home back in Michigan for the weekend. It feels so strange being here, I feel like I'm at some kind of winter resort that's catered, and tailored just for me.
First off, there is tons and tons of awesome food, my parents fridge is always packed with delicious dishes and fruits, there are all of my favorite desserts (baklava, brie, chocolate ice cream, ginger cookies) -that are always in stock. 
Free internet everywhere.
All of my old friends are everywhere and they go out of their way to treat me and make me feel welcome.
My Dad made me an awesome full-course breakfast this morning.
Then my dad and I got in some crossbow target practice from the back porch.
My Moma gave me probably the best hair cut I've ever had.
Also my Moma loves to buy me new clothes. Not just some awkward fitting clothing that might be worn once, but my favourite bands that I'll probably wear for years.
Tons of relaxing and prayer time.
My parents old piano, I love playing that thing- it has an incredible sound!

Maybe it's good to be spoiled a few times a year. hahaha

Monday, February 14, 2011

Once again it is Valentines Day. This is the one day on our calendars where we make a great effort to do something special for some one special in our lives. However not everyone in this world has someone truly special, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend..etc. Sometimes this time of year it's easy to feel unloved.
Ben, why are you saying all of this?
Well because I can remember times of my life where I have felt unloved.
This was so long ago, even though I am "single" and don't have that "significant other" I still feel so, så, much love. This love that I'm talking about doesn't come from great friends or parents. This is a love that can only come from a God. The God who loves me so much that he sent his only son down to us sinful humans to brutally kill him, the God who created us with his careful loving hands. This is the God that loves you and I so much that he created the stars and put them in the sky, so that on dark nights we can look up and still and know that he's with us.  It's so exciting to know that you're loved, God loves us so much it blows my mind! It's also a great comfort to know that one day I will have someone special on Valentines Day. One day this will me and my gal….  lovebirds on Valentines day…and it'll be sweet…Hah

Thursday, February 10, 2011

If you could be an animal..

 So not all people are animal people, meaning that not everyone likes animals or would want to have a pet. However I think animals are so cool! Because I've been having tons of free time, I gave it some serious thought... If I could be any animal in the world what would I be? I decided I would be a horse and not just any horse but this horse:

This horse just looks adventure bound and ready to be anyone's friend.

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Does anybody wanna hire me??

Good grief, it certainly has been a few days since I've last blogged.  Hmmm....well what's new Ben?

 This has been a really great week all around however nothing really crazy has happened yet. Yesterday I mailed out about 20 letters to raise money for my Pakistan trip this spring. P.S. I can't wait!! God has huge plans for that nation!
Also this is Allison Park Church's Spiritual Breakthrough Weekend and it's been awesome watching God reshape and transform people's lives!

More exciting news; it look's like I'm going to be an unemployed man, which isn't anything that I'm looking forward to because I sort of love my job.
So does anybody know of places that are hiring??
I'm not picky lately when it comes to working; restaurant, retail, manual labor, personal chef, personal tailor.... you name it. Hahaha